Clean Café Culture – What to consider when choosing dish and glass washing solutions fit for purpose

Owning a small catering business presents a whole host of decisions to be made around the best options to ensure the smooth and efficient running of operations, not least making sure the basic hygiene requirements are met with maximum cost effectiveness.
For cafes and smaller catering operations, commercial dishwashers should be efficient, compact, and capable of handling a mix of dishware and glassware.
Here are some key considerations to take into account:
Capacity needs: Consider your day-to-day usual business volume and choose a model that can handle the numbers of dishes and glassware you’ll typically be using. This may sound obvious, but you also need to think about energy efficiency and the optimum number of loads versus the running costs. For example, if your turnover of customers is high, a larger machine may not be the best option if you have a limited amount of crockery and glassware and need a quick turnaround.
Speed and efficiency: Look for models and options which offer a wider range of cycle times and individual features according to the load that will suit your business needs.
Energy efficiency is key to ensuring running costs are kept as low as possible to save on utility bills wherever possible.
Type of dishware: Firstly, think about your offering to customers, for example, any best sellers on the menu or specialities. If you are known for your delicious milkshakes, smoothies and juices, consider a separate glasswasher to accommodate your turnaround needs.
For more mixed dishware, pans and cooking equipment, an undercounter dishwasher can be more versatile.
Space availability: You’ll need to think about various factors here, including smaller space limitations and of course the overall look and aesthetic if your workspace is in an area which is open to customers.
Again, undercounter models offer a good option and are typically the best fit for smaller food preparation areas and kitchens.
Budget: Whatever the size of your business, budget is a primary consideration when choosing the best model and operational capability of your dishwasher model. Balancing upfront costs with longer term savings on energy and water bills is a crucial part of any business start-up plan, as is the case with any significant investment in larger and more expensive pieces of equipment you will need.